Maximally configurable analysis of open source software for long term risk
  • Filter hundreds of dependencies to a few for review
  • Use plugins to run only the analyses you choose
  • Configure scoring to decide when to investigate further
curl -LsSf | sh
Read the Docs
Is the project maintained? Active. Last commit 7 days ago.
Pass 50% weight
Are there code reviews? Code reviews common on PRs
Pass 30% weight
Are there binaries in the repo? Warning: found prebuilt, prebuilt.exe
Investigate 20% weight
0.2 Risk Score is ≤ 0.5 Risk Policy so Pass Result

Maintainers don't need drive-by comments with best practice scanner results, they need insights to make dependencies work for them.

We’re not building Yet Another Analysis Tool, we’re building an analysis swiss army knife you can extend, modify, and own.

Hipcheck’s plugin system means anyone can add new data sources and analyses, and users control what runs and what gets recommended.

We wear our values on our sleeves, and we’re proud to be working for regular maintainers.