The Query Protocol

Hipcheck core communicates with plugins over a gRPC channel using protobuf-encoded messages. After a sequence of initialization messages, Hipcheck and the plugin establish a bi-directional query protocol on top of the gRPC channel. Plugin authors using a Hipcheck SDK need not understand the query protocol with any further level of detail; third-party plugin authors who are eschewing the use of an SDK do need to understand the query protocol, and it is toward these parties that this documentation is directed.

This is the Query message object and associated QueryState enum that we will explain in more detail below. For more information on the proto3 specification, see here.

message Query {
    // The ID of the request, used to associate requests and replies.
    // Odd numbers = initiated by `hc`.
    // Even numbers = initiated by a plugin.
	int32 id = 1;

    // The state of the query, indicating if this is a request or a reply,
    // and whether it is complete or part of a series of chunks.
    QueryState state = 2;

    // Publisher name and plugin name. When a plugin receives a request-type
    // Query from Hipcheck, it can validate that the message was meant for
    // them with these fields.
    // When a plugin makes a request to another plugin through Hipcheck, these
    // fields are used to indicate the target plugin.
    string publisher_name = 3;
    string plugin_name = 4;

    // The name of the query being made, so the responding plugin knows what
    // to do with the provided data.
    string query_name = 5;

    // The key for the query, as a JSON object. This is the data that Hipcheck's
    // incremental computation system will use to cache the response. A message
	// may contain zero or more of these fields.
    repeated string key = 6;

    // The response for the query, as a JSON object. This will be cached by
    // Hipcheck for future queries matching the publisher name, plugin name,
    // query name, and key. A message may contain zero or more of these fields.
    repeated string output = 7;

    // An unstructured concern raised during the query that will be raised
    // in the final Hipcheck report. A message may contain zero or more of
	// these fields.
    repeated string concern = 8;

    // Used to indicate whether or not a string field present in a `repeated string` field
    // was split between two messages
    bool split = 9;

enum QueryState {
    // Something has gone wrong.

    // We are completed submitting a new query.

    // We are sending a chunk of a response followed by more chunks.

    // We are closing a reply to a query. If a query response is in one chunk,
    // just send this. If a query is in more than one chunk, send this with
    // the last message in the reply. This tells the receiver that all chunks
    // have been received.

    // We are sending a chunk of a request followed by more chunks.

The Query struct is used for both requests and reponses in the Hipcheck plugin system. In a request-type message, the publisher_name, plugin_name and query_name identify the target endpoint to be queried with one or more key fields. Each key field must be submitted to the endpoint separately. In a response-type message, there must be an output field for each key field received in the request, and in the corresponding order. As an additional component in response messages, plugins may report zero or more concern fields, which are unstructured strings that will be included in the Hipcheck analysis report. key, output, and concern fields are all tagged as repeated in the above protocol definition, meaning that a valid Query message may contain zero, one, or multiple copies of each of these field. There are additional contextual requirements on these fields specific to Hipcheck that are described in this document.

Hipcheck expects that plugins may need to query other plugin endpoints in order to complete requests made to them. Thus, it is valid for a plugin endpoint to respond to a request-type message from Hipcheck with a request-type message of their own. In allowing this, Hipcheck and the plugins must be able to maintain the state of the request while the plugin waits for the response to its request. Thus, each Query has an id field, which identifies the stateful "session" of the message. When a plugin receives a request-type message with a new id from Hipcheck core, all request- and response-type messages the plugin sends to Hipcheck in service of answering this original request must use its same id value.


The gRPC protocol has a default maximum message size of 4MB, which is sometimes not sufficient to contain an entire request or response. Thus, the Query struct supports chunking, or splitting a large request or response into multiple consecutive messages under the 4MB limit that can be re-assembled by the receiving party. This adds a layer of complexity to the message format. When sending a chunked request-type message, all but the last message in the series should have a state of QUERY_STATE_SUBMIT_IN_PROGRESS, whereas the last message should have QUERY_STATE_SUBMIT_COMPLETE. The same is true for response-type messages and QUERY_STATE_REPLY_IN_PROGRESS and QUERY_STATE_REPLY_COMPLETE. Naturally, a single request or response message that does not require chunking should use the appropriate COMPLETE state variant.

A chunked Query message may have zero or more key, output, and concern fields; in this way, these fields can be thought of arrays of zero or more elements. Chunking involves sending messages which contain ordered, non-overlapping subarrays of the key, output, and concern fields in the unchunked message. Once one element has been included in a chunked message, it must not be included again. Furthermore, we can consider the key, output, and concern arrays as one larger ordering in that no element of output may be sent before all elements of key are sent, and no element of concern may be sent before all elements of output are sent. For example, from an original Query that contains 4 keys, 4 output, and 8 concerns, we may send the following chunked messages in order:

  • One containing the all key elements and the first two output elements.
  • One containing the remaining two output elements and six concern elements.
  • One containing the remaining concern elements.

In some cases, a single element of one of these fields may exceed the 4MB limit. To handle this case and to generally enable more efficient chunking, the Query struct has a split field. When this field is set to true, it indicates that the last element of key, output or concern is incomplete, and that the contents of the first element of the next message should instead be appended to that element. For example, if a chunked message contains key: ['abcd', 'ef'], split: true, and the next message contains key: ['gh', 'ijkl'], split: false, then the resulting key array should be ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ijkl']. Because of the aforementioned field ordering requirements, it will never be ambiguous whether split refers to key, output, or concern. Note that when splitting a string, the split must occur on a UTF-8 character boundary.

Field Reference


In requests: If part of an on-going session, must match the session's id. Currently, plugins may not initiate requests that are not part of an on-going session.

In responses: Must match the id value of the associated request.


In requests: Must be QUERY_STATE_SUBMIT_IN_PROGRESS if another chunked request message should be expected to follow, otherwise QUERY_STATE_SUBMIT_COMPLETE.

In responses: If an unrecoverable error occurred during plugin execution, must be QUERY_STATE_UNSPECIFIED; using this state lifts any requirements stipulated in the fields below. Else, must be QUERY_STATE_REPLY_IN_PROGRESS if another chunked request message should be expected to follow, otherwise QUERY_STATE_REPLY_COMPLETE.

publisher_name, plugin_name

In requests: Must have a valid value. Receiving plugins should expect that these fields match their information. In responses: May be left blank, ignored by Hipcheck.


In requests: If field is an empty string, refers to plugin's default query endpoint. If no query endpoint was specified in a GetQuerySchemasResponse during the initialization step, this is an error. In responses: May be omitted, ignored by Hipcheck.


In requests: Must be at least one key field (pre-chunking). In responses: Optional, but if included should match the order and length of output fields (pre-chunking).


In requests: Should not be included, ignored by Hipcheck. In responses: Must be at least one output field, order and length (pre-chunking) must match key fields of request-type message to which this message is a response.


In requests: Should not be included, ignored by Hipcheck. In responses: May include zero or more concern fields.


In both request and response messages, may only be set to true if state is the respsective IN_PROGRESS variant and at least one of key, output, and concern have at least one element.