The Current Situation

Expressions in the policy expression language used by Hipcheck do not get type-checked until they are evaluated, similar to an interpreted language. Hipcheck analysis takes multiple orders of magnitude longer to complete than it takes to evaluate a policy expression. Because of this, it can be frustrating for people writing policy expressions to wait until after an analysis has run to find out they had a type error in their expression. It would be nice to be able to vet the expressions in a policy file as much as possible before running analysis to avoid these types of situations.

The current design of policy expressions does not have a robust type system, as evidenced by the inability to do pre-evaluation type checking, and the inability to run-time cast between primitive types, which lead to Issue #449.

In this bug, if Hipcheck analysis query happened to return a float that ended in .0 and was therefore a whole number, when serialized then deserialized and inserted into a policy expression, it would be treated as an integer, since JSON does not distinguish between floats and ints. The binary arithmetic functions (e.g. add) in the policy expression standard environment expect two like-typed primitives (float + float, int + int), and so would throw a runtime type error when a would-be float operand was late-bound as an integer.

(lte $ 0.2) , "0.0" --> (lte 0 0.2) --> Error::BadType

This particular issue was solved by introducing an upcast function that could turn a Primitive::Int into a Primitive::Float, and then changing the behavior of binary_primitive_op() to detect a "one int, one float" situation, and dynamically promote the integer operand.

However, it would be nicer and cleaner to be able to type-check and upcast primitives across the entire expression before evaluation. For example, allowing [0 1 2.0 3] by upcasting all non-float elements to floats.

The Goal

Briefly, the goal of this RFD is to describe a refactor of the Policy Expression system that enables "compile"-time type checking as much as possible, and makes it in general to write Expr-manipulating functionality using the Visitor pattern.

What Would Need To Happen

  1. Introduce first-class types and a uniform way to get the type of a given Expr/Primitive
  2. Represent the intention to cast a primitive in the Expr struct ecosystem.
  3. Type information associated with functions/variables added to an Env instance.
  4. Env instance available when type-checking to grab information about a function/variable.
  5. Implement TypeChecker as a struct that implements a new ExprVisitor trait
  6. Re-implement expression evaluation as a impl ExprVisitor


Extracting Expr Variants into Types

First, we move out variants of Expr with fields into their own structs. E.g.


// Becomes

struct Array {
	elts: Vec<Expr>

The benefit of this is that we can implement traits on each Expr variant, and add different Visitor functions for each. Without the above example change to Array, you can't write a fn visit_array(array: ?) that is different from fn visit_expr(expr: Expr) because there is no internal type to unwrap and therefore distinguish it.

We do this same change to Function, and Lambda.

Adding Typing

We then add a enum Type to capture the types of all expressions/primitives as follows.

type PrimitiveType = std::mem::Discriminant<Primitive>;
type ArrayType = Option<std::mem::Discriminant<Primitive>>;
struct FunctionType {
    pub args: Vec<Box<Type>>,
    pub output: Box<Type>,
enum Type {

For primitives, we use the Discriminant of the primitive enum. As arrays can only contain primitives, they also use the Primitive discriminant, but since we can't know at compile time the type of an empty array or one whose only element is a JSONPointer, it is an Option.

A FunctionType is a combination of the array of types of its inputs and outputs. This will be somewhat difficult to resolve with the existing Env system, as many functions do implicit overloading (e.g. the same add function can handle int, float, and span types), so the output type is dependent on the input type. We should consider dynamically retrieving the type of a function by passing a &Env reference.

With this Type information represented, we can now add and implement the Typed trait:

trait Typed {
    fn get_type(&self) -> Type;
impl Typed for Primitive {
    fn get_type(&self) -> Type {
impl Typed for Expr {

Notably because of an overloaded function's need to check its own arguments against the function implementation, we'll either need to augment Expr::Function to contain some reference to the actual underlying function in Env or to be able to query Env about that function when Typed::get_type() is being executed.

Adding Cast Type

Now to be able to represent a cast operation in the Expr ecosystem. Following the above rules about creating distinct struct, we add the following to the Expr enum:

struct Cast {
	target: PrimitiveType,
	expr: Box<Expr>,


impl Typed for Cast {
	fn get_type(&self) -> Type {

With this tool, when we perform type checking / upcasting as a stage of expression compilation, Function and Array instances can insert Cast nodes to "wrap" improperly typed primitives. This would allow (lte 0 0.2) to be evaluated properly, as the function replaces its first operand with Cast::new(op2.get_type(), op1). There will need to be some try_upcast() -> Result<Expr> function to determine whether a cast can be done according to the semantics of the language.

The ExprVisitor Trait

To re-organize computation/tranformation of the Expr tree generated by a policy expression program, we can use the Visitor pattern. We define a trait as such:

trait ExprVisitor<T> {
	fn visit(&self, expr: &mut Expr) -> T;
	fn visit_array(&self, arr: &mut Array) -> T;
	fn visit_function(&self, f: &mut Function) -> T;
	fn visit_primitive(&self, p: &mut Primitive) -> T;
	fn visit_cast(&self, c: &mut Cast) -> T;

Note that the separation of different functions to handle different Expr variants is enabled by splitting them out into distinct types wrapped by their Expr variant.

We can write multiple structs that implement ExprVisitor.

  1. struct InsertCast which inserts Cast nodes where applicable
  2. struct TypeCheck which returns Result<()> to report a type error.
  3. struct JsonInjector which takes context and replaces all Expr::JsonPointer accordingly.
  4. struct Executor. Re-impl the existing Executor struct to obey this pattern.

This would allow us to organize our transformation steps more effectively. When we first parse a policy expression from file, we can call InsertCast, TypeCheck to make sure everything pre-context-injection is sound, with some ambiguity allowed around the JSON pointers themselves. Then once analysis completes we can JsonInjector/InsertCast/TypeCheck again, then finally call Executor's visit() function to return the evaluated Expr.

Checking Function Return and Argument Types

When you call Typed::get_type() on a function, it will return the "function type," which is a combination of information about the (actual) argument types and the number of arguments it expects. However, sometimes we want to get the "evaluated" type of the function, namely what type it returns when executed. We also want to be able to tell whether the "evaluated" types passed to a function match the expected types. We need the "evaluated" types of the passed expressions because they themselves might be functions instead of primitives or arrays.

We therefore need a "type checker" function for each function that will run first on the types of the function arguments to determine if there is a type error or, if not, what will be returned. This is especially important for overloaded functions whose return-type may be dictated by the types of the passed arguments, or determined to be unknown if not enough information is provided.

A type checking function has the signature

fn(args: &[Type]) -> Result<ReturnableType>

Where ReturnableType is the "evaluated" type of the function. The ReturnableType must be a separate enum, since only "unknown", primitives, and arrays are valid return types in the current policy expression language.

Now that we have the concept of a "checker" function, every function registered in the Env must be associated with a checker function, which will be executed during type checking and at run-time.